How it works

On website homepage, you will see a map of third sector services from our database that operate in Dumfries and Galloway.

On the left is the complete list in alphabetical order. Each entry can be clicked upon to show more information, including – if available – contact details, website and geographical location. The More Info button will allow you to see the full entry.

If you click on any of the contact details, this will open your system’s default application for that method of contact.

At the bottom of the information panel are categories relating to the chosen service. If you click on a panel, a filtered view of all services within that category will then be shown on the map.

In the more information panel, if you click on an organisation name below the service, all services connected to that organisation will be shown on the map.

To search for a service, you can use the keyword search panel. The search function will look at both the service name and the description to search for your requested phrase. All results will show in the list below and as relevant pins on the map.

You can also use the Advanced Search button. This will search by Location and Category of service. Any combination of boxes can be checked and, when searched for will appear on the list below and on the map. Hit refresh to start a new search. Click on Advanced Search to minimise the panel.

In the full organisation information panel, please click on the Back button to return to the map. Because of the way the map is designed, the back button on your web browser will take you out of the map.